With trauma-informed mind-body-spirit-emotional healing and coaching approaches, I am here to support your trusting and knowing of yourself, to facilitate your healing where we navigate from your innate wisdom, connecting to what is clear, true, and core for you in your life path.
My sessions can be a combination of:
Shamanic Healing or Coaching

Vibrational healing
Energy healing
Soul Retrieval
Clearing energy of people or places
Mediating between spirit/subtle realm and ordinary/waking realm on your behalf
Teaching you to be your own shaman, self-attunement
Embodiment/Somatic Healing/Trauma Recovery Coaching
Resolve stored stress or chronic tensions held within any of your fields
Address any challenge or opportunity that is up for you in the moment
Experiential practice and healing through somatic dialogue and inquiry
Expressive movement and arts to attune to your inner wisdom
Tone your nervous system
Increased capacity to regulate nervous system
Expand your capacity to be with challenges and opportunitties
Become more embodied, intuitive
Resource your innate body and energy wisdom
A private and personal in-depth session of Inspirited Sol Breathwork to process whatever may be impacting your life. Come away with deep clarity and vitality.
A private and personal in-depth session of Shamanic Dreamwork to process a dream and how it may pertain to navigating your life. Come away with practical applications to your life.
Schedule a session or Contact Me for more information.