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Thank you for your payment; I look forward to being with you in workshop! ☀️


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Registration & Booking Policies, Liability Waiver

Agreement to participate in events, readings, and sessions with Raena Wilson includes agreement to the Payment Policy, 24 hour notice Cancellation Policy, and to the Liability Waiver:

Payment Policy

Payments are due by the time of service. To reserve your Client/Participant spot, use the online scheduler or registration buttons via or contact Raena Wilson.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations made earlier than 24 hours notice before the scheduled event/session/reading are reimbursable via refund or credit to next event/session/reading scheduled within 30 days. Client/Participant understands that they are holding a spot when scheduling. No shows, late arrivals, and cancellations made less than 24 hours before the scheduled event/session/reading are charged in full. There is no guarantee that a late arrival will receive a full treatment. If the cancellation made with less than 24 hours notice is due to emergency or illness, credit for next session/reading/event scheduled within 30 days is available. No shows are nonrefundable and are not eligible for credit.

Liability Waiver


Raena Wilson has education and experience in mind-body-spirit-emotional healing and coaching approaches to support Clients/Participants increasing capacity to connect to and express their innate body/soul wisdom and intuition, opening possible experiences to greater awareness towards their healing and empowerment. These healing services and approaches have both benefits and risks. Potential benefits include releasing emotional and physical pain and limiting beliefs, finding it easier to break free of stagnating patterns, embracing a more thriving, joyous life—one that is in alignment with the Client’s truest potential. Possible risks include the experience of uncomfortable feelings (such as sadness, guilt, anxiety, anger, frustration), physical or emotional discomfort arising from such, or the recall of unpleasant events in one’s life. Breathwork, in particular, entails prolonged hyperventilation and other physically and/or emotionally demanding activities. Conscious, expressive movement modalities entail physically demanding activities and may also connect Client more deeply to their emotions. Participants are encouraged to listen to their body wisdom, cues, and choosing to modify, pause, or stop in alignment with one’s own process is supported. It may be likely, but not always the case, to experience tiredness or otherwise an increase in energy in the first few days following a session or event. Outcomes, though not guaranteed, may occur in the subtle bodies and realms and may not be immediately apparent externally, or may otherwise be apparent in a sense of reclaiming increased vitality and ease of flow and well-being. All modalities and offerings referred to by Raena Wilson, the Pearl’s Flame, such as energy healing and all other recommendations, techniques and materials, are not to be construed as medical, legal, or psychological advice. Please do not use any information, offerings, services or products provided as a substitute for professional legal, psychological or medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is the Client’s responsibility to seek medical attention, legal or psychological counsel from such professionals who provide those services. Participation in sessions, readings, or events is the Client’s personal choice in self-discovery and personal transformation and evolution. Open communication is promoted within and between sessions, readings, and events, and the Client understands their choice to participate or not, is supported.


I, Client/Participant, declare that I am at least eighteen (18) years of age, and execute this waiver of liability with full understanding of its meaning and legal consequences. I have read and understood the PROCESS outlined above. I hereby expressly release Raena Wilson, The Pearl’s Flame, and/or all of their members, officers, agents, employees, volunteers and their successors from all claims of whatsoever kind or nature arising from my participation in services provided by Raena Wilson and The Pearl’s Flame. I understand and agree that I am solely responsible for my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being while participating in sessions, readings, and events. I understand I would not be permitted to participate if I did not sign this waiver by completing the online event registration process for events or online booking process, via completed payment, or signing a hard copy at session/reading/event time.

The Garden. Illustration by Raena Wilson,