Oh… Dragon is a good friend of mine…!
Read on to see how you can connect to the Dragon energy within you
with attentional intention this year… I created this spread based on Forever Conscious’ graphic.

Ellis Deck
I see the following affirmations for the above global reading:
6 pentacles
-Find your strength in both receiving and giving—the Pearl is in supportive relationships, how much can you allow yourself to be supported?
9 pentacles
-Make bold moves by trusting in abundance—the resources will be there when you already are aligned with what is for you! Also, inherent in the 9 of pentacles is the 6 of pentacles; see above for more clues here to be in your creativity (the remaining 3 pentacles).
Queen of Cups
-Remember your magic—it can be found in your senses signaled by your inner knowing. Nurture your intuition by paying attention intentionally to what feels expansive or contracting within your experience.
8 swords
-Claim your power by restraining your urge to push process. We humans tend to do this over allowing the greater unfolding. I see a calling again for trust, as seen in the 9 of pentacles.
6, Lovers
-Innovating relationships and collaborations—what are ways in which you define relationship that may be limiting? What is a new way to be in relationship that is also supportive to you and your growth as well as with other and community?
13, Death
-Believe in yourself as you navigate changes—it is a time of evolution, clearing and walking on new legs! Things may seem unclear, however that is because it is new and being birthed. It will feel like navigating by moonlight. How much can you allow knowing to arise from being in the unknown? This is walking in the field of all possibilities. See again what 9 of pentacles and Queen of Cups have to say above about trusting your inherent ability to know and resource your self in any moment.
17, Star
-New beginnings: energies are opening for you to bring in what you have been wishing to manifest. The timing is right, be in process, connect to your inner guidance, and bring it into form. Allow yourself to love what you love and allow each step to inform you of the next step, even though you may not have a fully cooked vision yet. Work with the Law of Assumption (rather than attraction)—it is already done, wherever you point your attention and intention. It’s just a matter of getting from A to B.